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How to Set Your Career Goals In 2019


Each new year begins with us making great resolutions and goals to stick with, but, unfortunately, not many of us are able to keep up with them and sadly, the year ends with us forgetting about those goals. Therefore, it can be said with the utmost certainty that it is easier said than done when it comes to making goals. If it were, in fact, unchallenging then every other person would be the best version of themselves. Understanding the difficulties that come with the setting and sticking with career goals, you may want to re-evaluate everything and start from a general transformation of your mind.

  1. Establish a Career Plan

The first and foremost thing to consider is how you strategize your career plan and act according to that.  Master essay writers suggest that modern research has proved the fact that written goals are more likely to be accomplished than those said verbally; vividly describing desirable goals helps you remember them throughout the day, reducing your chances of losing track. It is also favorable to ask yourself questions that keep you reminded of your true purpose of beginning the journey towards your career goal, thus, making you resilient to all difficulties you will inevitably face along the way. Some of those questions may include:

  • What’s your long-term career goal?
  • What can you do to achieve it?
  • Are you willing to put in the required efforts?
  • How badly do you desire it?
  1. Efforts to execute the plan

Once you’ve established the ‘what’ and ‘why’ factors of your career goals, the next step is to put in all possible efforts to fulfill them. According to British essay writers, making sticking notes of your written goals and pasting them in locations you frequently visit, is one of the most efficient ways to stay focused, as it increases the speed of encoding in the Hypothalamus of the brain. Resilience and perseverance are two characteristics of winners because there are no losers when it comes to career goal setting, only those who achieve them and those who learn from their failures. Prioritize your career goals above all other aspects of your life and invest in your dream with not just money and energy, but also the greatest asset you possess: Time. 

There is a fine line between understanding your potential and underestimating yourself. Be realistic in your career goals but do not restrict them and undermine your capabilities. An essential component of finding the right balance between the two is to scrupulously look-into your strengths and weaknesses; constructing attainable goals in that particular time-frame. Many individuals have great career goals, but they're too complicated to be achieved in their desired period of time or they lack one major feature in their goal planning; having clarity.

  1. Avoid having too many goals at once

Being specific and chasing a single goal will not only reduce the complexities of twisted approaches in attaining them but will be easier to achieve and consequently, motivate you to maintain the work-ethic that reaped the sweet fruits of success. If you feel overwhelmed in a state of low-yielding and high-demanding process, you may practice closing your eyes and visualizing the desired outcome to a point where you finally begin to see the possibility of achieving it. Moreover, this will act as a driving force to help you maintain focus and commitment to your career goals, transforming your entire perception of the endless struggles you possibly face on the journey to greatness.

  1. Focus on Physical And Mental Fitness

It has been observed that the greatest CEOs and leaders of the world follow certain routinely rituals of relaxing their minds, because of how salient a healthy state of both yield the greatest results. Your brain is a muscle that requires ample amount of rest, in order to function effectively and up-to its best potential. Having a good sleeping schedule and doing regular exercise make the best combination of promising a healthy body and mind that has the energy to work in your favor.  Moreover, having a sense of self-confidence is extremely important but it’s just as important to constantly work on your weak points, by listening to the suggestions put forward by your peers. This will allow you to reflect on your progress and analyze the potential sources of hindrances in your way.

  1. Carefully select your friends

The people you choose to surround yourself with must be those who ignite your spark, instead of dimming it. Setting a career goal and sticking by it is one of the most crucial and life-changing tasks in your life and you must not take the risk of being distracted by your peers. It is also worth mentioning that you ought not to be misguided by the temporary care and assistance people provide you along the way, as it has the tendency to attach itself as a habit of ‘dependency' on those individuals. Constantly seeking validation and acceptance from those people will imply that your self-worth is determined by them and so, it is essential that the people you surround yourself with are themselves goal-oriented, competitive and determined individuals.

  1. Re-define failure

The best essay writing service UK based had once quoted:

“Everything you want is the on the other side of fear”

Once you stop fearing failure and loss, you’re already halfway there. A complete re-definition of the word ‘failure' is required in your mind, disregarding it as a negative element.  Remember that failure is the greatest of teachers; teaching you lessons beyond the pages of a book. Its inevitability to such an extent that there is absolutely no person in the world who succeeds without failing at least once in their lives and so, embracing this fact is extremely important to move forward with greater experience than before. Therefore, according to Mater Essay Writers online, having a positive mindset in the process of attaining career goals will already give you an upper-hand over those who do not see the best in critical situations.

Lastly, enjoy the process of setting career goals and working towards them. Consider yourself blessed to be waking up, having goals to chase, and a clear direction in life. If you constantly worry about the end result, you won't be present at the moment to mindfully experience and embrace each emotion you feel during the process. If you’ve considered all the things mentioned above, it’s time to get working!

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