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Key Elements of Writing a Medical Essay


Did you get into medical school thinking that you won’t have to do writing projects? Well! Sorry to disappoint you but the field of medicine requires as much academic writing as much as practical training is needed. It is these writing projects that are going to add new knowledge and information to the field of medicine. So; all the medical essay writing projects or medical theses on which the researchers and medical students work prove to be quite helpful for future medical studies.

“Modern medical advances have helped millions of people live longer, healthier lives. We owe these improvements to decades of investment in medical research.” Ike Skelton

Now the question that arises is how to write these medical academic projects. What are the main components of medical research projects? What structure must be followed?  And how to format the whole project are some of the questions that arise in the mind of students when they are assigned any academic writing project in the field of medicine. The answer to all these questions will be provided in this post so gear up for some learning.

What is Medical Report Essay?

Any medical topic that is concerned with medical research work and some lab reports comes under the category of medical essay writing. It can also be about an opinion of the medical researcher on a given topic based on some logical facts and authentic reasoning.  Basically; a medical essay is the most commonly assigned academic project to medical students. It requires an in-depth understanding of the topic to be able to perfectly explain it.

The purpose of the Medical Essay Report:

The purpose of medical essay report writing is similar to any regular essay in which the writer has to convince the reader of his perspective or to persuade him towards his opinion. In addition to that; the medical essay must be so thoroughly researched it would add to the medical field. The Main components of medical research essays on the basis of which the skills of the researcher are judged are as follows;

  • The understanding of a student in a given topic is clearly reflected in his writing.
  • A well-articulated written by the researcher because having a piece of knowledge without effective communication skills won’t do any good to the project.
  • The accurate analysis of the problem by the student/researcher.
  • The proper identification of the relevant topic.

Key elements of writing a medical essay:

Writing a proficiently written essay is also an art that everybody is familiar with but not everyone can excel in it. However; it requires a little bit of polishing and knowledge of the basics to be able to write a perfectly written medical essay. The key elements of medical report essay that must be included in an essay are as follows;

Follow the structure:

It is probably around third or fourth grade when students are taught about the structure of essay writing. The fun thing is that that structure is retained for the rest of our academic lives with little addition and obviously some complexities. Students often take medical essay help just so that they won’t lose marks in not being able to follow the pattern of essay writing properly. However; it is the easiest part so relax and divide your art into the following three main sections.


This is the section in which the purpose of the writer must be to inform the reader about what the essay is going to be and to persuade the reader so that he will keep reading the essay. To make an introduction effective and intriguing, the writer must highlight the following few points in it;

  • Highlight what the paper is about.
  • Mention the significance of the topic.
  • A hint towards the already published research on the related topic.
  • Point out the gaps lefts in the related topic.
  • Signify the research question.


This is the part that forms most of the medical essay. All the research that you have all the methods that you intend to do, and the methodology that you used to collect that data have to be presented in this section. This is the section that is further divided into sub-sections, which are as follows;

  • Objective/thesis statement.
  • Literature review.
  • Methodology.
  • Data analysis.
  • Data analysis.
  • Findings.
  • Discussions.


This part must beautifully sum up the whole essay in a way that will cover the research question and give the answer to it in the briefest manner.  It is comparatively the smallest section.

Make an outline:

Creating a rough draft before actually writing down the essay might not seem to be as useful in the beginning but once you will be done with your essay, you will know that the outline helped you a lot in keeping the sequence and flow in your medical essay report. It acts like the skeleton of the essay. The following points must be added;

  • Headings and sub-headings.
  • Notes or essential points told by the professor.
  • Important references must be included.

Stick to the format:

This is the section that students know about but finds difficulty in following because it is a bit tricky and to avoid this tricky situation, they take help from British essay writers or the professional writers of their respective states. The following few points are included in the format of medical essay writing;

  • APA format has to be followed for the purpose of citation addition.
  • The font size must be 12 and the theme of the font must be Times New Roman.
  • The line spacing must be at least 1.5 or double-spaced.
  • All the pages must be numbered at the left bottom side of each page.

Write a strong thesis statement:

A thesis statement is a sentence that presents the main idea and the objective of the paper upon which the whole paper is going to be based. The following points must be considered while writing a thesis statement;

  • Stay as specific as possible.
  • Be precise and concrete.
  • Highlight it in the old letters.

Stay focused:

Students often deviate from the main topic or objective of the essay once they start writing it. However; the key element of writing a good medical essay is to stay focused. Make sure that your essay is aligned with the thesis statement.

Do your research:

The main element that distinguishes a medical essay from a random one is the amount of research done on it. It includes the examination and exploration of the essay requirements provided in the instructions. Everything needs to be proven with facts and logic. You cannot state random points that you have heard from somewhere rather your points must be supported with evidence.

Citation from credible sources:

References have to be added to prove your point and status in the medical research essay but these references must be taken from reliable sources. You cannot pick and add references just from any source like Wikipidia or any random post. The following sources are considered credible sources for reference addition purposes;

  • Scholarly publications.
  • News and magazines.
  • Conference proceedings.
  • Theses and dissertations.
  • Government documents.

Review the paper:

This step might not seem to be as crucial but it is equally important as it eliminates the existence of all possible errors. Students often take essay editing help to improve the quality of the content. It is because no matter how good of a paper you have written or how well have you done the research, still, the presence of errors will leave a bad impression on the reader.  The following points must be considered while reviewing the medical essay;

  • Eliminate all of the possible grammatical mistakes.
  • Remove spelling mistakes and punctuation errors.
  • Convert complex and long sentences into simple and short ones.
  • Make it easily readable.

Importance of medical essay writing:

Academic research works prove to be helpful in various areas. The importance of medical essay writing projects can be analyzed through the following points;

  • Different medical essays help in exploring the theme and reaching a conclusion.
  • These essays contribute as an important source of information for future generations doing research in medicine.
  • It spreads awareness of the topic to medical, as well as, non-medical students.
  • It improves the student’s writing skills.
  • It broadens the student’s understanding of the topic.
  • It reflects the student’s attitude toward his studies and his academic growth.


Medicine is the most respected field as it is one of the most selfless professions. Doing research in a particular field contributes to the human race. All medical essays, research works, and academic projects in the related field will help the readers and researchers of medicine. Hopefully; the above-mentioned post will help the readers and students in getting familiar with the way of writing medical essays. 

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